St Mary’s raises £11,879 for Emmaus, Hertfordshire

On Sunday we were thrilled to hand over a cheque for £11,879 to Heather Hurford from Emmaus, Hertfordshire as a result of all our fundraising efforts for our Charity of the Year for 2022.

These included the production ‘If These Stones Could Speak’ which raised over £2,700, Beer & Carols and Hymns & Pimms, both at the Cricketers Pub, a Silent Movie screening with organ accompaniment, various classical concerts, a cake sale by our Junior Choristers, raffle at Coffee on the Common and various refreshment sales during the Redbourn Open Gardens.

We’re so very grateful to all those who have given generously to this wonderful charity – who have bought tickets and supported our events making them so much fun to organise and attend, and those who have made donations, or organised their own fundraising events or initiatives.

Duncan Lewis, Chief Executive of Emmaus, Hertfordshire has written:

“Your very generous donation is particularly well timed because the ongoing maintenance of our Hill End building means that we are currently investing heavily in replacing items such as boilers, fire alarm systems and leaky roofs.

This basic, but essential maintenance helps keep our formerly homeless companions comfortable and safe and makes a huge, positive difference for them day-to-day while they rebuild their self-esteem and work to regain their independence.

As I think Heather may have mentioned on Sunday, if any members of the congregation would ever like to come to visit the community we would be delighted to show them round, introduce them to some of our companions, bring to life the work we do and hopefully give a sense of the difference the funds will make.”

We will soon be announcing our chosen Charity of the Year for 2023. Do look out for further announcements and have a think about how you might be able to get involved.

📸 Photo: David Walker from our Charity of the Year committee hands a cheque to Heather Hurford from Emmaus, Hertfordshire.

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