
Regular Services

We have a regular pattern of services which forms the main part of our worship:


  • 8.00 am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) A quiet communion service, without hymns, taken from the Book of Common Prayer, lasting about 45 mins. There are refreshements afterwards on the first sunday of the month.
  • 9.30 am Parish Eucharist (with Childrens groups) Our main Parish Communion service with the choir and a variety of groups for children of different ages. Lasts about 1 hour 20 mins. There are refreshements afterwards.
  • 12 noon Holy Communion (First Sunday of the month only) A quiet said communion service taken from the Book of Common Prayer, also lasting about 45 mins.
  • 6.30 pm Evensong. Sung by the Choir on the first Sunday of the month, lasts about an hour.


  • 9.30 am Morning Prayer lasting about 30 mins
  • 5.00 pm Evening Prayer  lasting about 30 mins


  • 7.30 pm Holy Communion,  A quiet said communion service, also lasting about 45 mins.

Jox300For Children

At the 9.30 service we have a number of groups for Children:

  • Baby Church – for those babies who need a break from the main service.
  • Mini Church – for those two to four
  • Junior Church – reception to year four.
  • PALs – year five to year ten.
  • Gospellers is for any in year 6 and above, and usually meets on Sunday afternoons or evenings.


Baby Church. Babies are very welcome in church but from time to time they may need to stretch their legs or vocal chords. The vestry is setup for parents/carers to use with our under twos who need some space. Toys are available in the cupboard, please feel free to use these. Please also feel free to rejoin the service when you and your child are ready.

Mini Church. This group is for our young worshipers who are between one and four.  Children can come with a parent or stay on their own if they are happy to.  A short story is followed by simple activity and then some playtime. Mini Church is held in the choir vestry which is just along from the toilets. Mini Church is lead by Claire Gibbs and each session has two leaders and one teenage helper. The children leave the main service after the collect when the rest of the children leave, following the lit candle and taking the puppet Jo. (above)

Junior Church is for Children from reception to year four. It follows the lectionary and has two leaders each session. The children do a wide range of activities that follow what the adults do in the main service. This means you can all have a good discussion about the same theme over lunch. Junior Church meets in the transept when the lighted candle leads the children out.

PALs is for children in year 5 to the end of year 10. Again it has a varied programme of activities and meets in the choir vestry.

Gospellers is for any in year 6 and above. It meets outside of the 9.30 service, on the first Sunday evening of the month at 7.30 -9.00pm in the transept, or other venue. It also meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 4pm at church where they take part i followed by some practical activity until 6pm. Gospellers is where our Young People have chance to share their faith and question what they believe. Activities range widely so do get in touch!

Teddy Tots meets on Friday mornings for young children and their carers. Read more about Teddy Tots here