POLICY for Equality and Diversity 2021

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There has been a church on the site of St Mary’s Church, Redbourn for over 900 years and as a church within the Diocese of St Albans as part of The Church of England, seeks to serve and support all members of the ecclesiastical parish, impartially and fairly in light of the Equality Act 2010 and irrespective of race, gender, faith, age, sexuality, cultural heritage disability or any other basis.

The Parochial Church Council (P.C.C.) of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Mary Redbourn is registered with the Charity Commission: 1130677 and is dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst its members and those it seeks to serve, minister to and work alongside. It is within our best interest to promote diversity and eliminate discrimination within all areas of our work and ministry.

Our aim is to ensure that all church members, committee members and volunteers are given equal opportunity and that our organisation is representative of all sections of society. Each member will be respected and valued and able to give their best as a result.

This policy reinforces our commitment to providing equality and fairness to all in our members and not provide less favourable facilities or treatment on any ground. We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

All members, no matter whether they are part-time, full-time, or temporary, paid or voluntary, will be treated fairly and with respect. When the clergy, officers and P.C.C. select and appoint candidates for specific roles and areas of responsibility they will do so on the basis of their aptitude and ability.

All members will be given help and encouragement to develop their full potential and utilise their unique talents. Therefore, the skills and resources of our organisation will be fully utilised and we will maximise the efficiency of our whole membership.

The P.C.C. of St Mary, Redbourn – commits:

• To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all members are recognised and valued.
• To create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for every member.
• To not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying, or harassment, and to discipline those that breach this policy.

• To promote equality in the workings and activities of the church in a manner which believes is good management practice.
• To encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns with the Vicar and Churchwardens in the first instance.

• To encourage members to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
• To regularly review all our policies so that fairness is maintained at all times.

A copy of this policy will be published and kept on display in the church at all times.

This equality and diversity policy will be monitored and reviewed annually, at the first P.C.C meeting after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to ensure that equality and diversity is continually promoted.

Date: 5 May 2021
The Revd Will Gibbs, Vicar of St Mary, Redbourn