The Choir

St Mary’s Church Choir is always open to new members of all ages. It plays a pivotal part in worship leadership within the life of the church, by encouraging the congregation to join in hymns and songs, and by introducing good new music.

Music allows us to express those things that words alone sometimes cannot convey, and is one of the main components of corporate worship, by inspiring, lifting our hearts, channelling our emotions. It is a way of enabling us all to bring our gifts to God.

We sing in a wide range of musical styles: with organ, a capella, with other instruments.

Singing is fun and rewarding. Somehow when we sing together the result can seem so much better than the sum of the parts, and it can be exhilarating to be a part of that. By joining the choir you will be able to brush up on your technique and practise reading music.

Junior Choristers (age 7-16) meet on Fridays, starting at 7pm. The younger ones leave at 7:45pm, with older ones staying on for longer. Junior choristers sing as part of the full choir every Sunday at 9:30am, occasionally presenting a piece on their own. In time we hope to be able to offer RSCM-accredited chorister medal awards. We also give our junior choristers a small monetary incentive to encourage regular attendance and to take the choir seriously.

Teens and Students are welcome too, practicing on Fridays from 7:30-9pm. Learn and develop a skill for life and enhance your CV.

Adults practice on Fridays from 7:30-9pm. You will learn how to join with others in your part (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass), and how to follow a conductor. If you’re not sure your voice is good enough, come along anyway and we will help you decide. As well as leading weekly 9:30am services, there are occasional extra services and events such as Carol Services, Choral Evensong, and further afield – Deanery and RSCM area events.

If you or your child are interested in joining the choir, or would like further information please contact Paul Vernon.

Click on the links to hear recordings of the full virtual choir singing Quilter’s Non Nobis Domine, Tallis’s If ye love me and the virtual junior choir singing Chilcott’s Irish Blessing.  

Non Nobis Domine by Roger Quilter sung by St Mary’s Church Choir

If Ye Love Me by Thomas Tallis sung by St Mary’s Church Choir

Irish Blessing by Bob Chilcott sung by St Mary’s Junior Choir